Sunday, May 10, 2009

Almost 3 weeks!

That's right, this is the longest I've been in the hospital since my senior year in high school...geez. Here's a little update on how things have been going. First off, I've been blessed with great care. as much as I don't enjoy staying, I am thankful for the care and love I've received from my CF Team and nurses here on the floor. Thanks, USC!

It looks like I should be going home on Monday, which will make it a total of 21 days! I can't believe I've been here so long, i guess I've sort-of gotten used to the routine and just the way things run. However, going home to eat home-cooked food and sleeping in my own bed will feel glorious. I've had to stay a few extra days because unfortunately, my insurance company would not authorize me to go home on 4 IV antibiotics. Even though I've been doing home IVs since I was young, doing 4, plus me having a previous allergy in my course of meds here posed to be a liability and they'd have to send a nurse. Sending a nurse plus liability for the insurance meant that if I needed to continue IV treatment it would have to be here at the here I remian.

I had hopes of going home last week but had to take the blow and stay here a few more days to allow my meds to kick in and finish out this course of treatment. The good thing is, when I get home, I'll be officially done and glad to have a break from all this- no home IV treatments to continue :). As I endure the last few days, I ask for your prayers for my patience, for stength to keep going and keep fighting, and prayers for my lungs (and lung function) to bounce back up to baseline allowing me to breathe well and get back to my active life! 
Thanks, friends, for continuing to be with me in this journey, for continuing to support me as this has been a LONG 3 weeks, and for your encouragement and love- it has come at exactly the right times :)

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