Sunday, October 26, 2008

Weekly Thanks

This weekend at church I was challenged deeply to remember giving thanks in all things, no matter where I am in life...sometimes that can be difficult.
So, I thought it could be fun to post some things I'm thankful for each week. I hope this can be a weekly thing that I not only do for fun, but also to reflect and share my thanks and my favorite parts of the week that I am grateful for. (This inspiration also came from a friend's blog who does something similar in posting her favorite weekly moments- thanks, Traci :)

This week, I am thankful no particular order...

1. My family, their support and care for me.
2. The gift of life
3. My new life group at Rock Harbor Church
4. Good cooking and good conversation with dear friends, Brian and Danielle Lacey
5. Surfing and watching the fog lift from the beach this morning, so beautiful!
6. Quality time spent with Kim- laughing, eating, playing Candyland, being welcome in her warm home. Her friendship is a blessing.


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